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Delivered in Sin Page 21

  “Maybe, maybe not. Maybe after we spoke to Antonio, he decided to clean up the mess by himself. He’s still in business with dad despite y’all’s relationship.”

  “Dad made it very clear that he didn’t give a crap about what happened to me,” I snap through gritted teeth.

  “You know that’s not true, Nolie. Everyone knows you’re off-limits.”

  “Apparently not,” I yell, pointing to my leg. “If that’s all, I gotta get some rest.” I try and get to my feet, reaching for my crutches, when Luca and Landry both lean over to help me. “I got it!”

  They both stop, taking a step back as they put their hands in the air, and I struggle for a few more seconds before I stand upright and crutch down the hall to my bedroom. I hear their whispers before my front door shuts and locks, and then I sigh, laying back in my bed, groaning as I lift my leg up onto the mattress with me.

  “You know they’re just trying to protect you,” Landry says softly as he lays down across my bed, leaning on his elbow.

  “If you’re gonna defend my idiot brother and his sidekick, you can sleep out on the couch tonight.”

  “Easy, easy,” Landry whispers, moving closer to me as he slides his hand up my good thigh. “I’m here to help relieve stress, remember?”

  “Mmm then don’t talk like a traitor,” I sigh, closing my eyes.

  “I’m team Magnolia. Promise.”

  I feel the heat of his breath on my good knee, trailing up higher and higher in between my legs, and I suck in a breath, anticipating his next move.

  “Landry,” I breathe.

  “God, I’ve missed the smell of this pussy,” he growls, moving in between my legs.

  “Oh, God.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling his fingers slowly push my shorts and thong to the side, and then his warm tongue is finally against my pussy, and I let out the most contented sigh.

  “That feels so good. God, Landry, that feels so good,” I whisper, gripping the back of his head.


  The vibrations of his moan against my pussy cause me to buck up, and my knee tingles, pulling a hiss from my lips.

  “Shit, are you okay?”

  “Fine,” I pant. “Fine, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  I ignore the pain, focusing only on Landry’s lips back on mine, his tongue slipping inside me so slowly, causing my teeth to grind together with animalistic hunger.

  “More,” I demand, close to falling, close to feeling that bliss.

  He answers, softly cupping my upper thighs as he moves his head left and right, thrashing as that familiar tingle shoots down my legs, curling my toes into the mattress. The bliss is quickly replaced by a dull throbbing in my knee, and I groan, trying to sit up.

  “That hurt you,” Landry gasps, looking down at my casted leg.

  I try to deny it, but he can see it written all over my face. “It wasn’t that bad until the end. My leg tensed up, and... I’m sorry,” I rasp, running my fingers over his stomach through his white t-shirt.

  “Why are you apologizing? I should be the one apologizing. I should have known it would hurt; I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

  “No,” I say quickly, fisting his shirt as he tries to get off the bed. “It was worth it. It’s okay. I...I wanna repay the favor.”

  He shakes his head, trying to get off the bed again, but I keep my fist tight around the material.

  “Landry, please. You can...kneel above me or stand or—”

  “Magnolia, I can wait.”

  “I can’t. I want to, Landry. Please.” I slowly run my fingers down to the hem of his shirt and lift it over his head, tossing it to the floor. I work on his belt, and he sighs, standing from the bed.

  “You tell me as soon as it bothers you. Promise me?”

  “It won’t. It’s my knee, Landry, not my mouth.” I give him a smirk, and he returns it, undressing as he crawls up my body, careful of my knee.

  “Ready?” he asks, fisting his cock as he guides it toward my waiting lips.

  I nod, opening my mouth and the first touch of his velvety head against my tongue causes me to moan.

  “Fuck,” Landry hisses. “Fuck, Magnolia, it’s not gonna be long.”

  I nod, reaching for the base of him and keep him in my mouth as his hips slowly start to rock, pushing his shaft deeper and deeper into my throat.

  I feel him shiver as I run a hand up his muscular thigh, watching his forearm flex as he grips my headboard, trying to control himself.

  “Let go,” I gasp around him. “Let go, Landry.”

  He groans, gripping my headboard harder as the other hand wraps around mine on his abs and squeezes. He runs both of our hands down his stomach, and I swear, drool hangs out one side of my mouth as I feel every inch of those muscles, the valleys, and divots, how they tighten against my fingers.

  He lets out a growl, and then I feel him explode down my throat as I swallow hard, trying to keep up. He pulls out quickly, the rest of his release dripping onto my lips and down my cheek as I gasp, trying to fill my lungs.

  “Fuck, Magnolia.”

  “No, that was good. I’m fine. That was...good.”

  I wipe the remnants of his cum off my cheek and slide my thumb into my mouth, licking it clean.

  He sighs, sitting back on his heels as he pulls down my bottom lip and kisses me senseless.

  “I cannot wait to fucking bury myself inside you.”

  “Me either,” I whisper.

  He slowly gets off me, pulling on shorts, and slides into bed behind my back, burying his nose in my hair.

  “I’m sorry I keep snappin’ at you. I know you’re just trying to help; I know Luca and Kieran are too. I just…”

  “You don’t like talking about your father.”

  “No,” I exhale. “I don’t. He...I just can’t ever picture raisin’ a daughter the way he raised me. He had no problem cuttin’ me off, lettin’ me live out on the streets—”


  “I didn’t,” I say quickly. “Everleigh’s parents helped, and I moved in with Addy and Eden, but what if I hadn’t? All these years, he hasn’t even tried to reach out, neither has my mother. And for Luca to say he still cared is just... it’s a slap in the face. Because he doesn’t, Landry.”

  He plays with my hair, gingerly digging his fingers into my scalp, and I feel the stress float away.

  “Maybe he’s seen his mistake,” Landry offers.

  I shrug, gripping Landry’s arm tighter around my waist. “Maybe Luca wishes he would.”

  We’re silent for a few minutes, and I think Landry’s fallen asleep until his next words.

  “My mother has reached the end of her rope. She’s hounding my life to meet you. Do you think you’re up for it?”

  I smile, burrowing my back against Landry further, embracing all his cuddles. I swear when I wear him like a blanket, no bad feelings can touch me.

  “I can’t wait to meet them.”



  “I’m so nervous,” Magnolia says with panic, pacing the kitchen as best as she can with a big belly and crutches.

  “Why? They’re gonna love you. Plus, you already have Theo and Ellie on your side,” I soothe, running my hands up and down her upper arms.

  “Side? What do you mean on my side? There are sides?” she shrieks with panic, letting out a groan. “God, I’m not ready. I never had to do this, Landry. I—”

  I cut off her nervousness with a kiss, cupping her cheeks hard as I bruise her lips with my own, stealing the uncertainty straight from her mouth.

  “Thank you,” she gasps. “I needed that.”

  “My pleasure. Now there are no sides, and there is nothing to be nervous about. I just meant that if you feel uncomfortable or something, focus on Theo or Ellie, or hell, me. Okay?”


  The doorbell to her apartment rings, and I smile, kissing her again before I follow behind her to the front door. She stands
off to the side on her crutches, and when I open the door, my mother’s shriek can be heard all the way from the street, I’m sure of it.

  “Oh, Landry! You didn’t warn me how stunning she is! Magnolia, it’s so great to meet you!” My mother pulls Magnolia in for a hug, and I run to her side, making sure she doesn’t fall as she lets go of her crutches to hug my mother back.

  “Mrs. Laurent, it’s so good to meet you.”

  “Oh honey, call me Marielle. This is Denis.”

  Magnolia shakes my father’s hand as we move to the side and let in Ellie, Theo, Sylvie, and my brother-in-law, Kent.

  We all pile around Magnolia’s table, passing around the takeout as we sit, and the conversation starts up. This feels so good, seeing Magnolia here sitting with my family. Truthfully, I never thought much about this in the past, just focused on work and my sister. Now though, I can’t imagine not having this, not having her.

  “This place is absolutely gorgeous,” Ellie gushes, looking around the immaculate penthouse apartment. The floor to ceiling windows showcase the sun setting on the city, and the backdrop is a fantastic view I don’t really think I appreciate as much. I’ve never been one for the city, having rented an apartment on the outskirts of Atlanta closer to my sister, but this view is one that’s hard to beat.

  Magnolia’s thigh flexing against my palm underneath the table brings my attention back.

  “I wanted an apartment close to my job. My grandmother left me some money when she passed, so…”

  “Don’t you work at the hospital Ellie delivered at? She said you helped deliver Sylvie,” my mother asks.

  Here we go.

  “I...right, I do, I…did I...”

  “Now she does,” I interrupt. “She started at Emory, though, right?”

  I see her relax, giving me a smile, and she nods. “You remembered.”

  “Of course I did,” I whisper, kissing her lips.

  I know she lives here because it’s close to RISE, but technically we aren’t lying.

  “So, where will you deliver?” Ellie asks. “Because I’m a little biased. The hospital you work out of now is great, no offense to Emory.”

  Magnolia laughs, and I see the tension seep out of her, and it’s intoxicating. The laugh lines that indent her cheeks when she gives someone a genuine smile is my favorite thing about her.

  “I’m biased too,” she whispers. “Plus, if Dr. Grayson doesn’t get to deliver this baby, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Isn’t that weird? Having your boss see...well, all of that?” Kent asks.

  And there goes the relaxation. Kent, you idiot.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t until you just said that,” Ellie mumbles under her breath.

  “No, that’s okay. I guess bein’ in the medical field, we look at things differently. It’s a scientific miracle, not...well, you know.”

  “That it is,” my mother gushes, reaching across the table to squeeze Magnolia’s hand. “Speaking of miracles, how are you feeling?” She motions to Magnolia’s crutches behind her.

  “I’m okay, actually. It’s a little frustratin’ because I’m sure my knee would heal faster without this giant belly, but we’re all okay. That’s the main thing.”

  “What a scary thing. We’re all so happy you’re doing okay,” my mother says, grabbing my hand now too. “So feeling good otherwise? Any updates on the baby?”

  “He’s good. Growin’ fast. They think he’ll be a big baby.”

  “Any names picked out yet?” Ellie asks.

  “Not yet, we were just talkin’ about it the other night, but we didn’t come up with anything,” Magnolia answers.

  “I said we should wait until he’s born, see what he looks like,” I add.

  “I wonder if he’ll be blonde or brunette. I noticed your hair,” my mother muses, commenting on Magnolia’s dark roots now that she hasn’t dyed her hair in months.

  I feel her stiffen again, and I squeeze her hand. I know she started dying her hair at eighteen to erase any trace of her Italian roots. Angry and rebellious against her father, she never stopped until now, being pregnant.

  “Well, if he has your eyes, he’ll be a little heart breaker,” Ellie says quickly. “Your hair looks amazing. That’s the new trend now anyway.” She winks at Magnolia, and I feel her relax under my touch again.

  “Thanks. Honestly, the upkeep was a lot throughout the years, I may not...I may not dye it again.”

  I look over at Magnolia and close my mouth quickly, deciding on that conversation for later. My mother doesn’t get the hint, though.

  “I can imagine,” my mother chimes in. “So what made you dye it in the—”

  Sylvie crying from her chair in the living room saves us all, and Ellie gets up from the table then looks back toward Magnolia.

  “I know you get a lot of practice at work but wanna try a little older than a newborn?”

  Magnolia lets out a sigh of relief and stands as I help her get her crutches. She hobbles over to the living room, opening her arms for Sylvie when she sits as my sister hands Magnolia a bottle, and Sylvie hungrily latches onto it.

  “I can’t get over how fast time goes,” Magnolia whispers, poking Sylvie’s nose. “I feel like I just watched your mama push you out, and here you are.”

  “All right, baby hog, pass her over,” I say, opening my arms.

  “What? I barely had her. Wait your turn!”

  “Hey, you guys can keep her overnight if you want. A day. Maybe two. Let me get more than two hours of sleep. How about a week?” Ellie laughs, backing away with her hands in the air.

  I reach for Sylvie, getting an eye roll from Magnolia as I sit down next to her and cradle Sylvie to my chest. “You hear how your mom is talking about you?” I whisper. “Let’s make sure we wake her up an extra shift tonight. Bonus. Make it a shit diaper too.”

  Magnolia giggles, leaning her head on my shoulder as she plays with Sylvie’s toes, still sucking away at the bottle. “This still doesn’t feel real,” she whispers.

  “When we’re the ones waking up to shit diapers every two hours, it’ll feel real, baby.”

  “Who’s ready for dessert?” my mother says, standing from the table. “Landry said you’ve been craving apple pie, and that just happens to be my specialty!”

  “Your mom is a trip,” Magnolia laughs, settling back into the couch as I shut the door behind everyone.

  “Nosy. Trip is the polite word; nosy is the truth,” I groan, pouring her a glass of the sparkling cider my mom brought over and handing her a glass.

  “Hey, she’s just makin’ sure her son’s pregnant out-of-wedlock, labor-and-delivery nurse but lives in a penthouse girlfriend, is good enough for her son. Same thing I’ll be doin’ in, oh I don’t know, twenty-five years?” Magnolia muses, rubbing her belly.

  “Okay, yeah. The ‘why you live here’ question was insulting, but pregnant out of wedlock? You know they don’t care about that, right?” I brush her hair out of her face and lift her chin up to face me.

  “Right, I know, I just... you’re right. Plenty of people have babies before marriage. Not that I’m sayin’ we need to get married, I just—”

  I kiss her, stopping her rambling even though it’s fucking adorable when she does it, and she sighs against my lips.

  “I’m sorry. Forget the last three minutes, okay?” she whines.

  “Can I ask about the hair? Not gonna dye it back?”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder, and she sighs.

  “I’m not sure yet. I feel like...maybe me dyin’ it just shows I’m not over everything. If my past didn’t bother me, then I wouldn’t care about dyin’ it, right?”

  “Maybe you just think blondes have more fun?” I say with a smile.

  “Would you like me as a brunette?” she asks, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Magnolia, I liked you with blue hair. You could have rainbow hair; I don’t give a crap about that.”

  “I guess I’ll see how I
feel when this little guy comes out. Lookin’ like Cruella de Vil until it officially grows out may not be the best approach.”

  “Well, if you’re naked, then I definitely will be too distracted to notice you looking like an evil Disney villain.”

  “Oh, you will be, huh?” Magnolia laughs as I slide my hand up her shirt and press my lips to hers.

  “Naked is always a safe option.”



  Six weeks later...

  "You swear you won't laugh and won't be disgusted? Will you still think I'm sexy?" I groan, holding the towel tightly around my body.

  "Unwrap that sexy body and sit your ass down on that seat so I can help," Landry demands.

  His hands land on his perfect hips as he stands there like a devil's food cake in front of me after giving up chocolate the whole year.

  "Sexy? I'm huge, my leg probably looks like Chewbacca and probably smells horrible, and it's probably so little because I have no muscle anymore and--"

  He cuts off my rambling with a kiss, his usual method, and I smile against his lips.

  "Sit, Magnolia."

  I sigh, hopping over to my shower bench, still holding my towel as he walks over to me. His thighs flex behind his tight boxer briefs, and my eyes shamelessly watch his shaft grow against the material.

  "Towel," he demands, kneeling down in front of me on the shower tile.

  "Landry," I whine.

  "Towel, Magnolia. I may not be able to torture you right now, but your leg will be back to normal in no time, and that baby is gonna be here any day. When I get you back, I'll make you pay for sassing me."

  "Whatever,' I mumble, rolling my eyes as I slowly take my towel away and flinch when my butt hits the cold tile.

  "Mmm, so fucking beautiful," Landry growls, running his fingers so softly down the swell of my breast, around each nipple, and then lower, settling between my legs.

  "Shit," I hiss. "Not yet."

  "You're right, you're right. Business first. Shaving cream?"