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  "Lia, she wouldn't have said no to being Aliana's godmother even if she knew your brother was going to be her godfather," Landry laughs.

  "I know, of course, she wouldn't have, but...I should've told her when she asked. I made it off like we weren't sure yet since Luca and I still weren't on the greatest speaking terms with everything. I panicked, I lied, Landry. Oh God, she's gonna be so pissed," I groan, burying my face into the crook of his arm.

  Aliana's cry breaks through the silence, and I glance over at the monitor on our nightstand. I kiss Landry, taking my robe off the door hanger and tighten it, walking down the hall to Ana's room.

  "Hi, my precious girl," I coo.

  She gives me a little smile, kicking her legs as she lays on her back, and I lift her in my arms, kissing her cheek.

  "You have impeccable timing, my little bambina. Lettin' me and Daddy finish our business first," I laugh. I place her on the changing table, putting her into a new diaper as she fusses, shoving her fist into her mouth. "I know, I know, I'm gonna feed you, don't worry."

  I snap her pajamas back in place and walk over to the rocking chair, freeing my breast from my robe as she moves her head furiously to the side, searching out her food. She latches quickly, and I glance down, rubbing my finger against her cheek.

  Thinking about my whole life, how every single moment was tactfully planned to lead me to a life where I had no control, makes me determined to never lead Aliana that way.

  She finishes eating as I turn her to my other side as she latches onto my other breast. I run my finger through her thin, light brown hair and smile, knowing I will do everything in my power to make her realize she is the most loved girl in this entire world.

  "Fa la ninna, fai la nanna

  Nella braccia della mamma

  Fa la ninna bel bambin,

  Fa la nanna bambin bel,

  Fa la ninna, fai la nanna

  Nella braccia della mamma."

  Aliana stops sucking, her little lips part as she pops off of my nipple. I kiss her cheek, standing and walking her back to the crib and place her down, making sure she stays asleep before I leave. I watch as her chest rises and falls, the movement mesmerizing me into a state of happiness I didn't even know existed before she came into our lives.

  "Madam Siren, that poor little girl didn't even have a chance," Landry whispers from the door frame.

  I turn, smiling at him, and his eyes fall to my open robe. I blush, pulling the lapels closed and tighten the belt around my waist. I walk over to him, cupping his cheek, and give him a kiss.

  "I have dangerous powers, Mr. Laurent."

  "I am fully aware, Mrs. Laurent."

  He kisses my forehead and slips his fingers between mine, walking us back down the hall.

  "My mother used to sing that song to me when I was a baby," I sigh, settling into our bed again as I take off my robe.

  Landry pulls me flush against him, wrapping his long arms around my body. "They're going to show tomorrow, Lia. It's their first grandbaby. Family is family."

  I nod, nuzzling into his side. "I went against everything they stood for, Landry. Divorced the Italian man they picked out, baby out of wedlock, married a new man without a vowel ending his last name," I laugh.

  "Best decision you've ever made, I think," he smiles. I push against his chest and laugh. "In all seriousness, Lia, if they don't show tomorrow, you have me and Ana, the girls, the club, a job that you absolutely love. They're the ones missing out."

  I lift my head, cupping his cheek, and smile at him.

  "I love you so much, my sailor."

  "And I love you, my siren."



  "Hey, girl! Why didn't you bring Emlyn?" I ask, kissing Quinlin on her cheek.

  "I, um...I'm a crazy first-time mom and didn't want her around all these people," Quinlin responds quickly, too quickly.

  She looks around, locking eyes with Kieran, and blushes, looking away. I still have no idea who got Quinlin pregnant, but something tells me it has to do with Kieran. When she gave birth last month, she didn't list a father on the birth certificate, or at least that's what she told me. They're all better off that way—her words, not mine.

  "Understandable," I muse, watching her gaze snap to mine when she senses my tone. "Well, mom's night out. Go enjoy. Mingle."

  She swallows, giving me a nervous smile as she walks over to the bar and grabs a drink, downing the entire glass in one sip.

  "Don't toy with her. It must be hard enough being in the same room as your baby daddy when he has no frigging clue he even slept with you. Hmm, that actually sounds familiar."

  I turn, smacking Landry's arm. "Oh, shut up. Wait, you caught that too? You think it's Kieran?"

  "I may or may not have overhead something at my bachelor party."

  "Crap," I groan. "Kieran not ready to be a father."

  "I don't think we're the only ones who believe that. There's a reason she didn't tell him. Let them work it out. Be there for her; that's all you can do. Don't try and protect all your girls and solve all their problems."

  I gasp, my mouth dropping open as I cross my arms over my chest.

  "I...I don't...I don't do that!"

  "You do."

  “I think all of us Giordano’s are like that,” a voice says from behind me. I turn and smirk at my brother, giving him a hug. “Solo today? Good move.” He gives me a sheepish look and exhales. ”What’s the matter? That’s the ‘I messed up, and I don’t know how to tell you’ look.”

  “I’m not solo,” he mutters.

  “What…” I look over my shoulder and see Gia walking in with her parents, the two people along with my own that ruined two whole years of my life, and even more. “Luca, Everleigh is gonna be crushed! What the hell is the whole clan doin’ here?”

  “It wasn’t my decision, believe me,” he mumbles.

  “Well dammit, I need to fix this now.”

  "Baby, you're doing it again," Landry laughs.

  "Am not. For the record, my friends are perfectly capable of takin’ care of themselves, I’m just...oh fine, maybe I am but I’m just lettin' you know Luca Dean Jr. that when Everleigh attempts to cut off your balls, I will be on the sidelines cheerin'."

  "What happened to 'family is family'?"

  "She is my family. She's never abandoned me, so don't you ever get it twisted," I snap. "You hurt her, Luca, and you'll be sorry."

  "Relax, I'm not hurting her. She hates me anyway. She won't care."

  I scoff, rolling my eyes. "You're such an oblivious pussy, I swear."

  His face twists with disgust, and he groans. "Please don't say that word. I really miss the sister that didn't curse. Landry corrupted you."

  I slap his chest and then push against him. "He freed me, unlike you. Why are you lettin' them still control you, Luca? Grow a pair of balls."

  "You don't get it, Nolie. Don't try and understand. Just drop it!"

  "Fine, this day is about Aliana, so I'll drop it but don't forget who you're here with. Stay the hell away from my best friend."

  "I will after I let her know I found out some info about her father," my brother responds.

  "Mr. Greene? What info?" I ask, drawing my brows together.

  "Something I need to discuss with her first. I think it has a connection to everything that happened"

  "What? What about him?"


  I follow my brother's eye line and look over my shoulder, my mother and father dressed to the nines, walking through the doors of the party hall. My eyes start to water, and I press my lips together, trying not to let them leak out. I feel a warmth on my back and see Landry holding Aliana and look back toward my parents.

  "Magnolia," my mother whispers.

  "Hi, Mama."

  She walks quickly over to me, wrapping me in a hug, and all the emotions I've held in when it comes to my parents spill out, loud sobs wracking my body.

  "I am so, so sorr
y, my baby. This will be different now, I promise you."

  I hug her tightly, remembering when I was younger, the soft tenderness she always showed me before I grew to the proper age, and my father took over.

  "My precious diamond. You look so beautiful. Your hair is dark again,'re stunning." My father's voice breaks our embrace, and I turn, wiping my tears to face him.

  "Hi, Daddy."

  He looks older, tired with lines creasing his normally perfect face, and I can't believe how much time we let pass, how much time we can never get back.

  "Your mother is right. Things are going to be different now."

  He opens his arms, and I fall into them, wondering why the sudden change of heart but grateful to have my family back, regardless of their shortcomings. I look over my father's shoulder; Eden, Addison, and Everleigh all huddled in the corner laughing with each other. I smile, knowing that my daughter will be surrounded by these strong women, growing up with people who love and accept her just the way she is. I'll make sure of it.

  * * *

  An hour later, after we cut Aliana's cake, I'm talking with some of Landry's cousin's when I get that familiar smell of cigars and turn my attention to the hall entrance, covering my mouth with my hand.

  "Papi Dean?" I whisper, watching my grandfather take off his fedora and give me that big smile I've missed for so long.

  "My Maggie."

  He opens his arms, and before I can think, I run toward him, letting his big hug envelop me, take me to a happy place just like it always used to. "I've missed you," I whisper into his wool coat.

  "And I you. Your grandmother, God rest her soul, would have been so proud of you, so honored you gave your baby girl her name."

  I laugh, wiping at my eyes as my grandfather cups my cheeks and kisses them both. "How are you? How's Italy?" I ask, pulling him toward the corner of the room as Landry rocks a sleeping Aliana.

  "It is wonderful. Everywhere I turn, I am reminded of your grandmother. It is almost like she is still there with me, like I am not so alone."

  I can sense the sadness in his tone, know that he and my grandmother were inseparable. Their marriage is one I strived for, one I would hope to find one day. Yes, my grandfather ran the house and made decisions, but only because he loved my grandmother and didn't want to burden her with things he could take care of. He respected her, he took care of her, and he never tried to control her.

  I smile, locking eyes with Landry, and wink. "I could imagine I would stay in a place that I would always feel like my love would be with me too," I agree. "But you're not alone, Papi Dean. We would love for you to visit more."

  "Yes, about this we business. Couldn't even wait for your grandfather to walk you down the aisle?"

  He looks up at Landry, sticking his hand out as Landry takes it, shaking it firmly with a smile. "We're so sorry, sir, but it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard such great things."

  "Papi, this is Landry, my husband, and this is your great-granddaughter, Aliana Marie Laurent."

  "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Laurent. Interesting last name," my grandfather muses.

  I see Landry's face go white, and I wrap my hand up in his and squeeze him for support as he stutters a response. "It's not Italian, I know, but—"

  "But you love her? Treat her right? Would move the sun and moon for her? Die for her? For your daughter? For your family?"

  "Yes, sir," Landry responds without hesitation.

  The seriousness is gone from my grandfather now as he smiles, patting Landry on the back, and looks down at a sleeping Aliana.

  "Just as beautiful as your mother was," my grandfather whispers, kissing Ana's cheek. "Now, where is my girl Everleigh? All grown up? Married? Kids?"

  My smile fades, remembering how much my grandfather loved Everleigh, how many days I would have her meet me at my grandparents' house just to escape my own. How my grandfather would put on his "Kiss the Cook" apron and belt out Italian songs while he taught us to cook all the traditional dishes.

  "Not yet, no," I say sadly.

  "And thank the Lord, too. Good men these days are as rare as hen's teeth. I was born at the wrong time missin' handsome men like you, Papi Dean. How are you?" Everleigh drawls from behind us.

  I laugh, rolling my eyes as my grandfather's smile deepens, and he pulls Everleigh onto the dance floor.

  "You think Luca will get jealous and punch your grandfather? Diaper duty for a week says he will," Landry whispers out of the side of his mouth.

  I chance a look at Luca, seeing his fist wrapped around the glass, and his expression hardens, but then it softens within seconds, and a small smile replaces it.

  "I'll take that bet."



  "I should check on Everleigh. She was really upset yesterday. I should've known that was gonna happen," I grumble, getting out of bed as I throw on a t-shirt and pajama pants.

  "Hey, when it comes to your brother, anything is possible," Landry mumbles, getting out of bed too as he throws on a pair of shorts.

  I walk down the hall to Aliana's room, peeking inside and see she's still fast asleep as I walk toward the front door and across the hall. I don't know if she'll be home, but I knock anyway, knowing she was dressed to the nines to go out with someone after the baptism. I don't have a clue what I'm walking into and the person who answers the door, shirtless no less, is the last person I expected to see.

  "Luca?" I gasp.

  "Hey, sis," he answers with a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his neck as he yawns.

  "Dammit, can y'all stop shoutin'?" a sleepy voice asks from behind him.

  My mouth hangs open as an obviously hungover Everleigh comes into view, wearing nothing but my brother's button-down from the night before.

  "Y'all...y'all have a lot of explainin' to do."

  I pace around our kitchen, patting Aliana's butt as she snores, sprawled out in my arms.

  "Don't be nervous. They're your parents, Magnolia."

  "Yes, but you don't know them, Landry."

  "They came to Ana's baptism. They seemed genuinely sorry about what happened all those years ago. Maybe they've changed."

  "Tigers don't change their stripes, Landry. Somethin' is goin' on, and I know it has to do with what Luca told Everleigh about her dad and ours. This is bigger than just me and Giacomo; I can feel it."

  A knock on our apartment door causes me to flinch, and Aliana stirs but then cuddles back into my body. I smile, kissing her forehead as Landry walks to open the door.

  My mother and father greet Landry and then walk into the kitchen, kissing both my cheeks before they take a seat at the island.

  "This is a beautiful home the two of you have," my mother says softly with a smile.

  "Well, this was all your daughter. I just moved in a few months ago."

  I can feel my father's gaze slowly turn to me, and I nod. "The girls and I all decided we wanted to live in the same building."

  "I see," my father muses. "Impressive you afforded this all these years on one salary."

  "Senior," my mother hisses.

  "It's fine, Mama. I would be pissed if my daughter made something of herself despite me when I was so convinced she wouldn't," I snap, anger coming to the surface now, seeing my father's true colors now start to show.

  "Lia…" Landry whispers.

  "Why are y'all here? I'm happy you came to Aliana's baptism, but you didn't even come to our wedding. Luca walked me down the aisle, dammit. I was kidnapped, we were in a terrible wreck that could have killed all three of us...and not a word. Why now?"

  My mother wipes at her eyes as my father exhales, rubbing at the back of his neck, just like Luca does.

  "We thought it was safer if we stayed away. There are things, Magnolia, terrible things that...that have happened, horrible people out there. If I allowed my associates to see you back in our lives, it would have been worse than the hand you've recently been dealt."

  "Yeah? Are you gonna fill
me in on any of it, or only Luca is allowed to know? Everleigh? Kieran? Why can't I know anything? This is affectin' my life now too!"

  "That's why we're here now. We're taking care of it. As a parent yourself now, I know you would do anything for her, the way your mother and I would for you, which is what we did. You may not understand it now but—"

  "By marryin' me off at sixteen? Watchin' me deal with a husband that abused me for two years? Made me a human pincushion so we could bring a baby into that toxic world?" I grit through my teeth. "I would never do that to Aliana. Never."

  My mother is crying harder now, and I want to feel bad, but all of the pent-up emotion I wasn't able to let loose all comes back. I finally need to face them, face what they put me through so I can finally let it go.

  Landry's hand on my back steadies me, and for once in life, I straighten my spine and stand up to my parents like a strong, independent woman.

  I can see the moment my father acknowledges my wall in place, and he stands, putting his hand on my mother's shoulder.

  "If you won't forgive me, Magnolia, please forgive your mother. She...she needs all of us right now and—"

  "Senior," my mother whispers.

  My wall crashes to the floor as I look at my mother, really look at my mother. She looks tired and worn now, not her usually put-together self. My heart drops to my stomach. "Mama, what...what's goin' on?"

  "Nothin', baby. One day this will all make sense. Know that we love you, mia bimba."

  "Mama, tell me if somethin' is wrong," I whisper, allowing her to plant a soft kiss on my forehead.

  "Everything is going to be just fine. I promise you. Take care of this little angel and yourself. We'll be in touch when you're ready."

  I nod, pressing my lips together to keep from crying because I know deep in my heart, everything is not all right. For now, though, I watch my mother and my father leave our apartment, and Landry hugs me tightly from behind, kissing my cheek.

  "We got our happy ending, Magnolia. Let's embrace it. Everything will fall into place the way it should."