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- Nicole Rodrigues
Delivered in Sin Page 22
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Page 22
"God, this is mortifyin'! I can try and—"
"Nope," Landry cuts me off.
"But this is so—"
"Dammit, stop interruptin' me," I snap, tossing the shaving cream container into his chest.
This is the worst. Finally getting my cast off only to have the doctor warn me about washing my leg carefully and especially shaving with my gigantic belly and Landry volunteering for the job. Embarrassing as hell.
Landry grabs the Dove soap, rubbing soft circles into my leg, careful as he gets to my knee, and I instinctively flinch.
"Did I hurt you?"
"No, no, I just...am nervous. Tommy touches it during PT, but I still get scared."
"I won't hurt you, Magnolia. You tell me if it does, okay?"
I nod, digging my nails into my palms as I control my breathing, letting his movements mesmerize me. "Can you feel the pins? Does it look weird?" I hate that my self-consciousness is coming out, but it rears its ugly head.
"Cutest Chewbacca leg I've ever seen."
"Baby, I'm kidding. It looks completely normal. You see the scar, but that's it, and I don't mind that at all. A reminder of how close I came to losing you, so I never take you for granted."
He cups my cheek, slowly rubbing his soapy hand over my knee, and I relax. "You called me Chewbacca, you jerk."
"Hey, you called yourself it first. Now let me shower you, shave that sexy leg and finally bury myself inside you. Are you up for that?"
"Yes," I blurt out quickly. "Yes, I want that, God, I want that."
"Are you sure you're ready? We can wait another—"
"I'm ready," I cut him off. "I love your tongue and all the magic it is capable of, but I need your cock. I really, really need your cock."
Landry groans, closing his eyes as he squeezes his shaft through his boxers. "Fucking hell, when that mouth starts, Magnolia."
"Can we do all this after? Please, Landry. I just want you inside me."
"How can I deny my girl when she's begging?" he says with a smirk, running his fingers through my folds.
I sigh, closing my eyes as I drop my head back, feeling nervous because it's been way too long since we've done this.
You forget the first time you were together? Seven years is nothing compared to a few months. He’ll fit.
"I...I ain't beggin'," I sigh, gripping his wrist, so he doesn't dare move his hand.
"No? So then maybe we should wait until we finish—"
"Don't you fuckin' dare move your hand, Landry Laurent! Unless it's to replace it with your cock."
He growls, pulling me to my feet as he slowly turns me around, and I baby my right leg, pressing my palm to the wall as he cradles my belly, slipping his boxers down his legs.
"'I'm gonna improvise, you keep talking to me, okay? If it hurts your knee or the baby—"
"It won't, I trust you. Now, please. This time I'm beggin'."
I feel the velvety head of his shaft as he rubs it against my bare butt and slowly pushes against my entrance. I groan at the protrusion, feeling my walls constrict, not letting him in, but then he rubs a circle along the back of my neck, and I relax. My body relents, succumbing to him.
"That's it, baby. Almost there."
I hiss when he pushes all the way in, my left leg shaking as I keep all the pressure off my right one.
I lean forward, pressing my cheek to the cold tile, and it soothes me, keeping the focus off my leg and back to Landry, finally filling me.
His hands wrap around my waist as he pushes me forward, then pulls me back onto him, and I glance at him over my shoulder.
"Good?" he asks.
"So good."
He nods, picking up the pace a little as he pushes on the middle of my back, causing my palms to rest on the shower seat. He keeps his strong hand wrapped around my belly, and this angle is deep, but it keeps the pressure off my bad leg.
"Yes," I moan, feeling his thrusts pick up as he hits that spot, over and over again until my legs shake and not from my injury. Blissful lightning shoots down to my toes and back up, exploding between my legs as I cry out with my release, feeling Landry empty inside me not long after.
"Fuck. Sit. Sit. You okay?"
"More than okay. God, I missed that so much. I missed you," I whisper, cupping his cheek as he kneels on the floor in front of me.
"I've been right here. I'm not going anywhere."
"I just mean I miss this part of us. Connecting. Like this."
Our foreheads softly touch, and I feel his lips press to mine, his lips lifting in a smile.
"Me too. Now let's shave this beast leg. I can't have my girl hairier than me."
I gasp, slapping his chest as his laugh rattles off the tile walls. Mine. I may have to pinch myself, but this man is all mine.
"That is not where that piece goes," I laugh, shaking my head.
"What? It said one and two both click into A, right?" Landry groans, looking over my shoulder at the directions.
"Yes, but two goes on top, one on the bottom," I say, pointing at the picture.
"Why the fuck would one go on top and two on the bottom? I swear they get the drunkest people to write up directions," Landry mumbles, moving back to the crib frame as he unscrews the two pieces, switching them.
I lean back against the wall with a big goofy smile on my face, watching him. His bare back constricts as he unscrews the pieces, and I try not to drool all over the baby's rug.
"How are you feeling? Any more contractions?"
"No," I sigh. "False alarm. Is it crazy that I want this little guy to come out but also want to just keep him in here forever? In here I can protect him, out in the world he…"
"Hey. Out in the world, he has two parents that'll do everything in their power to make sure he's safe."
Landry kneels in front of me, cupping my cheek as he rests his hand on my belly.
"I love you, sailor boy."
"And I love you, Madam Siren. Now let's get this crib up, so my little man has a place to sleep while I put another baby in his mother."
"Landry," I laugh, slapping his hand away. "Nuh-uh. No more babies for a while. Not until…" I trail off, not wanting to put that much pressure on him as he stares into my eyes, looking for the words.
"Not until what?"
Not until you put a ring on my finger and promise me forever. Promise me you'll never let me go.
"Nothin'. Gimme a break. He's not even here yet," I laugh, rolling my eyes.
He's not convinced but relents, getting to his feet and returning with two pints of ice cream and spoons.
"Landry. You're gonna have to roll me to the hospital."
"Gotta keep my little man happy. He told me he's been craving some Rocky Road."
"Oh, he did, huh?"
"Yes, ma'am, he did."
I reluctantly take the spoon with a sassy smile as Landry leans on his elbow on the floor next to me, putting a big scoop of ice cream into his mouth.
"So what are we gonna name the little guy?" Landry asks.
"I'm not too sure. I've always had a girl named picked out, but never thought about a boy for some reason."
"Yeah? What's the girl's name?"
"Aliana. It was...it was my grandmother's name. She was very special to me," I whisper, taking another scoop of the ice cream to my mouth.
"That's a beautiful name. Definitely for our daughter one day."
Laughing, I slap Landry's arm. "Stop it."
"God, you're so fucking beautiful. I can't believe I'm here with you right now in our baby's nursery putting together a crib."
"We should make the baby a shirt that says 'Created at RISE,'" I laugh.
"I bet your brother would love that," Landry groans.
"All right, take this away from me. Let's finish this nursery," I command, handing the pint to Landry as he stands, biting his lip. "What? Why do you have your concentratin' face on?"
When the baby is born...how long do you want me to stay? I mean, I have a key and stuff, we never discussed it, I just…"
He trails off, and I slowly get to my feet, taking my crutches and crutch over to him. I run my thumb along his bottom lip and tilt his chin up to me. "I want you to stay," I whisper. "Stay, stay and...maybe not...leave?"
"I was hoping you'd say that."
"I'm nervous," I whisper, standing in the hallway of my apartment without my crutches and only a small knee brace.
"Magnolia, I know you can do this. You can walk on your own. You've worked so hard, you can do it."
"What if my water breaks?"
"Then I'll 'bride over the threshold' you down to your badass car and speed us to the hospital."
"What if it hurts?"
"We have Tylenol."
"What if I fall?"
"You have, and I caught you."
"Cheesy," I mumble.
"Come on. You got this."
I take a deep breath, looking up at Landry standing at the end of the hallway, and slowly take my hand off the wall, putting it on my belly instead. "We got this, buddy. Me and you." I close my eyes, taking another deep breath as I take a step with my good leg, squeezing my eyes shut as I drag my bad one behind me.
"Come on, baby. Lift it. You got it," Landry encourages.
I concentrate on my breathing, slowly opening my eyes as I look down and watch my feet, first one foot, then the other.
"That's it, baby. Keep going, come to me."
I smile, keeping my eyes on my feet, not believing what's happening, working so hard, weeks and months of therapy to now I’m finally walking without my crutches. More like limping but still, I'm doing it on my own. The next step is dancing, and then I'll be back on the pole and…
My thoughts are cut off when I see a knee in front of me, and my breath gets caught in my throat. I follow that knee, up past a flat, muscular stomach to two perfect pecs, hiding a heart that has loved me unconditionally and brought me back to life. My eyes trail higher as I see that smile, that smile that can erase every bad thing that has happened to me in my entire life. My eyes land on his, the blue ocean orbs that can see right into my soul, and I freeze, finally realizing what he's holding.
"Ten months ago, I met this girl at a tree farm…"
I let out a sob-laugh, covering my mouth with my hand as I feel the tears already start to pour down my cheeks. "This isn't fair; I'm pregnant," I sob.
"She was the most breathtaking woman I've ever laid eyes on, and I had no choice but to take the last tree stand from her to get her attention."
"You didn't," I laugh.
"Oh, hell yes, I did, but I didn't expect her to turn me down. Not only that, but then she almost knocked me out right there in the parking lot."
"That was an accident!"
"Point is, I thought she stole that tree stand from me that day, but the truth is, I gave it to her. I would give that woman anything she damn well pleases for the rest of our lives because I love her. She did steal something from me that day, but I sure as hell don't want it back."
"What did she steal?" I whisper, hanging on the edge, waiting to see what is in that little box and if it's what I secretly have wanted for months or if he's just messing with me.
"My heart, Magnolia. You stole my heart. Marry me. Marry me and be my wife. Become Mrs. Laurent, and let me show you that you are worthy. You should be happy, and I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives. As a family. A family you deserve."
Before he can even open the box, I nod, cupping his cheeks as I press my lips to his and never want to let him go. I feel his fingers wrap around my left hand and when I finally allow him to break the kiss, a shiny diamond halo cut ring sits on my finger, and the tears start again.
"I appreciate the kiss, but you didn't say—"
"Yes!" I squeal. "Yes, yes, yes, Landry Laurent. I will marry you and become your wife. I love you so much, you know that?"
"Well, you better, future Mrs. Laurent. And look at that. You walked the whole hallway all by yourself."
I open my mouth and turn, looking over my shoulder as I laugh. It's a long hallway, and I did that all by myself. I look back at Landry, pulling him up from his knees, and kiss him again, smiling against his lips. "My cheerin' squad helped."
"I'll always be your cheering squad. A super manly, alpha cheering squad, though, yes?"
"Yes," I laugh. "Now bring me to bed, future husband. Celebration sex is in order, and also, try to get this baby to come out."
"Demands already, and we aren't even married yet, huh?" Landry muses, arching an eyebrow at me.
"Happy wife, happy husband. Don't question it, Laurent."
My phone buzzes from my nightstand, and I reach for it, smiling when my ring catches the morning sun and sparkles. My smile drops when I see the name on my phone, and I glance over my shoulder, but Landry is still sleeping.
Giacomo: Call me.
I slowly get out of bed, reaching for my robe as I wrap my body and hobble out to the living room, shutting my bedroom door behind me.
I dial Giacomo's number, pacing my kitchen slowly as my leg starts to throb.
"Magnolia, God, I'm so happy I got to you first. Are you okay?" His voice is panicked and out of character, and I furrow my brows, wondering what the hell is going on.
"Giacomo, where are you? What are you trying to do? I know you vandalized my fiance's car and almost killed us! I'm pregnant, Giacomo! That car accident...we could have all died. What the hell has gotten into you?"
"Jesus Christ. Are you okay? Pregnant? God, I thought they were lying. How? All that time, we tried it...Oh, God, I'm so sorry. I was so selfish. He makes me like this. You know he does, Magnolia. Your father is the same way. I should have gotten out. I should have gotten out like you. I didn't think they'd stoop this low."
"Wait, what are you sayin'? Who? What are you takin' about?"
"My father, Magnolia. I want you back, but not like this. You're in trouble. Keep your phone on but stay alert. I'll text you an address. Landry isn't safe. They wouldn't hurt you, but they'll take him out."
"Giacomo, listen to me," I hiss. "I may have been a naive doormat when we were married, but I'm not now! Stay away from my family and me, or I swear to God, I—"
"Magnolia, it's not me. My father...your father...there are things you don't know about them."
"What are you—?"
"Magnolia? You okay?" Landry's voice causes me to hang up my phone, and I whip around, closing my robe a little tighter as I put my phone on the kitchen island.
"I'm fine. Can't sleep. It's gettin' too uncomfortable."
"Let me make you some tea."
I nod as Landry kisses me on the forehead and makes his way to the stove. My phone buzzes on the counter, and I swipe it quickly, reading the text before deleting it.
Giacomo: Our spot for lunch. Bring back up if you don't believe me. You need to know what you're up against.
What in the hell is going on?
"This is crazy, you know that, right?" I hiss through the phone.
"They aren't going after you, Magnolia," Giacomo answers.
"When are you gettin' here? I invited the girls, but they're not gonna play nice," I hiss through the phone.
"Just give me ten minutes. I wanna make sure I'm right about them going after Landry when you're gone."
Trusting Giacomo right now makes me feel crazy, but if he has answers my brother and Kieran are keeping from me, I need them. "If something happens to him, Giacomo, I swear to God. I'll make it hurt, don't think I won't."
"Two just showed up outside your building. Fucking Frankie, I knew it. Son of a bitch."
"Giacomo! Get Landry out of there! God, why did I listen to you?"
"Your brother's guys are on it. They just stopped them."
"I'm leavin'. Don't call me again. I'll handle this on my own."
I put my han
d up for a taxi, but Eden's voice from behind stops me. "Hey! Where are you goin'? You suggested lunch, now you're ditchin'?"
I whip around, clutching my chest, when a sharp pain tears through my stomach. "Shit," I gasp.
"Hey, easy! What the hell is goin' on? Why are you so jumpy?" Everleigh asks, grabbing for my arm.
"Nothin', I'm fine. I gotta go."
"Lia, you're not fine. Let us take you to the hospital," Addy demands, grabbing for my other arm.
"I said, I'm fine! I need to get to Landry," I snap.
"What's goin' on? Who were you just talkin' to?" Eden asks, eyeing me.
"Nobody. I can handle this."
The taxi pulls up, and I break free from Everleigh and Addy's hands, getting into it and slamming the door behind me. I'll kill Giacomo if something happens to Landry. I redial Giacomo's number, hearing it ring and ring until I give up and end the call. I dial Landry, hearing the call go right to voicemail, and my stomach tightens again.
"No," I whisper. "No, no, no. Not now, baby boy, not yet."
"Miss? You okay?" the taxi driver asks.
"Yes, fine. Sorry. Sixty 11th Apartments, please."
"Yes, ma'am."
I lay my head back, closing my eyes as I try and figure out what's going on. Giacomo sounded genuinely concerned, almost like he didn't have anything to do with what was happening. But how can I trust him? Too many nights, he hurt me. He only thought about himself and getting me pregnant to have a legacy to take over his father's company. How can I just forget all of that? I can't shake what he said about his father, our fathers, but then Luca's words come barreling back too.
You're off-limits, Nolie. Everyone knows that.
Am I, though? The taxi stops, and I open my eyes, opening my bag to take out some cash.
"Thank you," I say, handing the bills over the seat to the driver.
Before I can react, he grabs my wrist, holding my arm across the seat as someone opens the back door and pulls me out, roughly.
"No! Stop! Wait! I'm pregnant, please!"
"You don't think we fuckin' know that?" a voice snaps, sliding something over my head, blocking my vision.
"No, please. What do you want? I have money, I can—"