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- Nicole Rodrigues
Delivered in Sin Page 23
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Page 23
Something hard hits the side of my face, and I stagger back into strong arms holding my wrists behind my back.
"We don't want your fuckin' dirty money," the voice growls from behind me, pulling on my wrists again.
"Please," I whisper.
Think, Magnolia. Think. I run through routines, run through everything I've learned throughout the years, and shut everything else off. I hear footsteps off to the side, two, maybe three men, plus the one behind me. The echoes of the footsteps make me think we're in an alley, and I take a deep breath in, smelling burnt oil.
This is going to be nearly impossible being nine months pregnant, but I have to try.
I wriggle my hands, not feeling restraints, and before I can think, talk myself out of it, I stomp my foot down hard onto the man's instep, elbowing him in the stomach and then the nose as I quickly turn and rip the cloth off my head.
I grit my teeth, lifting my good leg to kick him in the face but feel the dull ache in my knee holding me up. He falls, and I quickly turn, seeing two men holding guns right in my direction. Shit.
I put my hands up, tearing my gaze away from them to try and figure out where I am.
"We have direct orders not to kill you, but a shot to that bum knee won't kill you," smirks one of the men.
"What do you want? Who sent you?"
They both smile at each other, but before they can answer, a shot echoes through the alley, and they duck, looking around. I take advantage, running behind a dumpster as I quickly take in my surroundings, wondering if that's someone on my side or theirs.
Hearing a grunt, I see one of the men fall, grabbing at his leg as the shiny handle of a knife reflects off the street lights. A strong hand wraps around my mouth, and I try to scream when the smell of familiar perfume slithers through my nose.
"Slowly and quietly back away with me, okay? Easy."
I nod, wincing as I slowly crawl backward, holding my belly as it tightens, and I drop down to my butt. "Eden," I gasp. "I...I think the baby's comin'. We gotta get to a hospital."
"All right, let's go. They've got our backs."
She stands, lifting me up as she tosses my arm around her shoulder and helps me limp toward the other end of the alleyway.
Zeus is in the front seat of a black Mustang as he runs out, opening the front door, and he and Eden both help me inside.
"Help the girls. Get answers. I'm takin' her to the hospital," she instructs.
Zeus nods his head as he runs back down the alley, and Eden gets behind the driver's seat, driving like a bat out of hell.
"I...I have to c-call Landry," I gasp, gripping my belly as another contraction hits.
In seconds, I hear the ringing of a phone and hope like hell he's going to answer, that he's okay.
"Eden! Where the fuck are you guys. Is Magnolia with you? That fuckhead Giacomo told me—"
"I'm here," I pant. "Get to the hospital."
"Magnolia! What happened?"
"He's comin', Landry. Get there. Now."
"Oh, God!" Magnolia groans. "Is he almost out?"
"He's close, girl, so close," Jolie encourages. "Keep pushin', you got this."
"One more, Magnolia," Dr. Grayson yells. "He's crowning!"
Magnolia grips my hand, letting out a raw cry before we hear a newborn shriek, and she exhales, dropping back against the bed.
"Is he okay?" Magnolia whispers, wiping at her eyes.
"She's beautiful," Jolie laughs, suctioning out the baby's mouth and wiping off the blood as she hands me a scissor. "Cut the cord, Daddy."
My body doesn't register all the blood, doesn't remember how I passed out last time I was in this room. It's on autopilot right now as I take the scissor and cut the cord, watching Jolie clip the end and finish wiping off that little body before she places her on Magnolia's chest.
"S-she?" I stutter.
"Wait…" Magnolia gasps, looking down at the baby. "How…?"
Magnolia unwraps the baby, glancing down as her face breaks out into a smile, and tears stream down her face.
"That's a girl, all right. How did…Oh God, I hope we can return everything."
My brain finally catches up, grabbing Magnolia's cheeks and kissing her lips over and over again as I wipe away her tears. "You did so well. You did so damn good, baby. Look at her."
She laughs, rubbing her thumb along the baby's soft cheek.
"I guess we got our Aliana after all?" she whispers.
"That we did, Mama. That we did."
"And I'm your favorite aunt, and I will teach you all my wicked ways," Eden whispers as she cradles Aliana to her chest.
"Gimme that baby. Don't corrupt her poor little soul with all your dominatrix juju," Everleigh drawls, reaching for Aliana.
"Hell no, baby hog. You had her all mornin'. Plus, I'm not the one that threw my shank into some guy's leg. You're the one that's gonna corrupt her," Eden snaps, pulling Aliana closer to her.
"She's cute and all, but keep that baby fever over there. This vagina is enter only," Addison winces, crossing her legs in the guest chair next to me.
Eden stands, rocking Aliana as Everleigh smiles down at her, caressing her little cheek, and my heart beats so fast in my chest. This should be her too. I can see the longing written all over her face, but my idiot brother crushed that.
As if I can conjure him up at the worst time possible, there's a knock on the hospital door, and Landry walks in with Kieran and Luca.
"Look at you, sister. Here I thought you were a failure with the opposite sex, but look how much that little guy likes you," Kieran laughs.
"First of all, you fuckin' eejit..."
"Everleigh, that mouth," I chastise.
"Sorry, sorry. She's too little to understand anyway," she mumbles. "As I was sayin', it's not a boy, idiot, they got it wrong. Second, I get plenty of action from the opposite sex, so don't you worry your stupid little head about that."
"You do?" Luca asks, not taking his eyes off Everleigh and Aliana.
She squints. "What the hell does it matter to you?"
"Okay, there's a reason you're both here, and it clearly isn't to see the baby since you didn't even know it was a girl. What is it?" I snap.
"Well, for the record, I knew it was a girl, and half the reason I'm here is because she's my niece, so if you don't mind…" Luca reaches for Aliana, brushing his hand against Everleigh, and I see her flinch the minute the two of them touch.
Everleigh moves quickly to the other side of the room, letting Luca sit, and I try and hide my smile.
"Well?" Landry asks, getting to my side.
"We got Giacomo outside the hospital. It's all over," Luca says proudly.
I bite my bottom lip, shaking my head. "What did he say? What about the men that took me?" I ask, still not convinced he was really the one behind all of this.
"Said he was just doing all of this to protect you. We got him, though. He won't obsess anymore. He'll be going away for a long time. Thanks to the girls and Felipe, the three men from the kidnapping are in custody and admitting that it was all Giacomo," Luca assures us.
"But what if they're lyin'? What if he wasn't the one behind all of this?" I ask softly.
I can feel everyone's eyes on me, and I exhale, trying to make this not sound crazy because right now, it does.
"Just...we talked, and he had a chance to hurt me, but he didn't. I don't think he was the one that kidnapped me, I really don't. I just have this feelin'…"
"You talked to him? When?" Landry asks, turning to me.
"He said they weren't tryna hurt me, they had orders not to or something, I don't know…"
"He stopped me outside the apartment building. He was rambling on about the same shit, protecting her and—"
"See!" I interrupt.
"Christ. After everything, he did to you, Lia? How could you believe him?" Eden snaps.
"Y'all were there;
you saw it! Those guys had a chance to shoot me, and they didn't!"
"He's crazy, Lia, and he won't be a problem anymore. His father even said he was cut off. It's over," Luca says with authority.
"But this all just seems so easy, doesn't it?" I try.
"Because it is. He's obsessed with taking over his father's company and his ex-wife getting pregnant with a son he can use was his plan. That's it. Nothing more to question. I'm gonna head to the station to help with the interrogation; I just wanted to let you know." Luca stands and waves as I watch him leave, but I have a terrible feeling.
I shake my head, looking at all the girls and their gazes are still on me.
"I know what he did to me, I remember it all, believe me, but I'm tellin' y'all that this doesn't feel right."
"You had a long day, Lia. Maybe get some rest, and we'll talk about it tomorrow," Addy soothes, rubbing my forearm.
"You're right," I sigh. "Thank y'all for...for comin' to my rescue today."
"Hey, we're in this for life, babe. Sisters through and through," Eden says with a smile, pulling me to her arms.
"We love you. Take care of that baby...and Aliana too," Everleigh says with a wink at Landry.
"Funny," he laughs back, hugging each of the girls as they leave.
I look over at my brother, still holding a sleeping Aliana.
"Luca...Giacomo said something about Daddy. Something I can't shake."
"He's nuts, Nolie. This has nothing to do with Dad."
"I didn't say it did," I retort, furrowing my brows at him. "What are you not tellin' me, Luca?"
Luca sighs, standing as he walks over to my bed and hands Aliana to me.
"Nothin'. Take care of her. I'll let you know what Kieran finds out at the station."
He kisses my forehead, and I groan, knowing that there's something bigger going on here... but of course, my brother would keep me out of the loop.
"Let's enjoy her, okay? We're all safe; we're all here."
I nod, smiling up at him as I cup his cheek and plant a kiss on his lips. "You're right. I still can't believe this whole time I was cookin' us up a daughter."
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Mmm," I sigh, kissing him again.
"I'm secretly thrilled we have a daughter."
"Me too," I whisper.
My eyes fly open as I clutch Landry's bare chest, looking up at his sleeping face.
I gasp for breath, realizing we're home and in bed. Safe.
"Again?" his sleepy, raspy voice asks.
"I'm sorry," I mumble, slowly sitting up as I reach for the sheet to cover myself.
"Don't be sorry. What's going on, Magnolia? Are you gonna talk to me about this? It's been two weeks since the attack. You have to talk to me."
"I just have a bad feelin' it's not...it's not, Giacomo, Landry. He didn't sound like a man possessed enough to kidnap Aliana and me. He wasn't even there; he was outside our apartment building checkin' on you. You saw him. I just think we're lettin' our guard down and whoever took me is still out there."
"Listen, I'm not so sure this was as cut and dry as your brother and Kieran are making it out to be either, but I think whatever is going on, they have it under control now."
"How can you be so sure?" I sigh.
"Because I'm a brother, and I would do anything to protect my sister. If I didn't think it was safe for her and my niece, I would be doing everything in my power to make sure it was. He may still have security in place if it's really not all over."
"I guess you're right. I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell me everything he knows? Why keep us out of the loop?"
"Because he's also a man. We don't like to admit that we don't have everything under control."
"Which is stupid, but I'm not shocked. The idiot is marryin' someone he has no feelings for just because our father told him to. He still loves Everleigh. Did you see that look on his face when he saw her with Aliana?"
"Smooth transition," Landry laughs. "But didn't you do the same thing?"
I slap Landry's arm, and he laughs, rubbing at the spot. "Jerk. I was sixteen! He's a grown man capable of makin' his own damn decisions, and hurtin' one of my best friends ain't gonna fly with me."
"Down, tigress. If he can't see how amazing Everleigh is, then he doesn't deserve her."
I smile, rubbing my thumb down his chin. "Are you just sayin' that because you're scared of her and her shank skills?"
"Maybe. For real, though. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me. Trust your brother."
"Okay," I sigh. "I do trust you."
I kiss his lips softly, trying to ignore the pit in my stomach. Maybe I'm just trying to find something that isn't there. I've been through a lot of changes lately, though, so many things have happened. I just need to focus on being a mom and wedding planning. Everything is fine, or at least it will be.
2 months later…
"To our beautiful, strong, sexy-as-fuck best friend for lockin' down such a hot piece of ass!" Eden yells, lifting her glass in the air as we all follow.
I laugh, downing my flute of champagne as we sit on the party bus the girls rented for my bachelorette party.
"I still can't believe you moved here, and you got engaged without me even meetin' the guy," I pout, hugging my friend Jolie as I look at the city lights of Nashville outside the bus windows.
"You and I both know I needed a change, Lia. Patrick wasn't lettin' up so…"
"Wait, you're divorced officially, though, right?" She eyes me, chugging her glass of champagne as she breaks our gaze. "Jolie…"
"It's complicated... but hopefully, now Patrick will see I've moved on. He's a great guy; you can meet him tomorrow if you want?"
"What's his name?" I sigh, finishing my second glass.
"Thor?" I laugh. "Like if a pirate and an angel had a baby, Thor?”
Jolie giggles with a blush, going to take a sip of her drink when she realizes it's empty and grabs the bottle, topping us both off.
"Somethin’ like that, and he...well, he's…"
"Hot!" Our old friend, Gwendolyn Saddler, chimes in.
"So hot,” her sister-in-law Rochelle coos. “He dropped her by our hotel and manhandled the shit out of her and just...ah. I love it! I told Rafael I may not come back home. I may crash with these two for a few days."
“Don’t mind my sister. She just got the okay to have sex after baby number three,” Rochelle’s older sister, Valentina, says with a smirk.
“Please, you rookie. Three is nothing. Talk to me when you have four,” their other sister-in-law, Genevieve, says.
“You Saddler women are all crazy,” I laugh, remembering Gwen calling me when she found out she was pregnant with Elijah Saddler’s baby after her sex-filled weekend in Aruba. The tight-knit, nosy family she didn’t realize she was getting herself into all sit in front of me on the party bus.
“Hey, not all of us are—”
“Sure…Chocolate syrup and whipped cream outfit,” Rochelle says, cutting off her sister, Dakota.
Dakota growls, rolling her eyes as she points to Rochelle. “You promised it was never going to be spoken of again. That was years ago, for God’s sake.”
“Well, thank y’all for comin’ to celebrate!” I say, lifting my glass in the air.
“Thanks for letting us!” Valentina says, clinking her glass with mine. “Any excuse to leave the mom hat home with our husbands.”
“Hell to the yes on that. Elijah can’t get me pregnant from here, thank God,” Gwendolyn mumbles.
“Girl, he’s a Saddler. He can get you pregnant telepathically,” Genevieve mumbles.
"Okay," I slur. "I. Am. Drunk."
"Don't puke on me, or I swear I'll cut you," Everleigh snaps, holding me up.
"Oh, party pooper," I pout, poking her nose as she moves her head, eyeing me.
"I am not a party pooper. You know how I get. I ain't in the mood to do da
mage control with my loose lips."
"Truth serum!" I chant. "Let's hear it, Ev! Last time you got that drunk, you admitted to losin' your virginity to my brother!"
"Exactly!" Everleigh growls. "I ain't sayin' shit tonight. My lips are sealed, and that glass of champagne is my last."
"Okay, I'll go then. I fucked Zeus," Addy mumbles, tripping over her heels.
"What?" we all gasp.
"How else do you think I got him to be the getaway driver when those assholes kidnapped you?" Addy says matter of factly.
"You had to sleep with him for him to save me? I thought he liked me," I say sadly.
"A client got me pregnant," Quinlin mumbles.
"Me too!" I laugh, giving her a high five.
"Okay, I'm not participatin' in this," Dakota whispers.
"I will!" Jolie shouts as she stands. "I anger blew Thor as he was drivin'."
"What?" I gasp. "Jolie!"
"What?" she scoffs. "I'm a doctor now. If anything bad happened, I could’ve handled it."
"Jesus take the wheel," Everleigh mumbles. "I thought we were crazy; y'all blow us away."
"I'm definitely not crazy," Dakota mumbles.
"Ha! Acting like I've never heard you and Andre ‘Dick Me Down’ Demarco going at it before,” Rochelle ribs.
"Okay! Let's go to a strip club!" I blurt out.
"What?" all the girls yell in unison.
"I am feelin' good, and I wanna get on a pole!"
"Get on a pole? You can't go to a strip club and strip, Lia," Everleigh laughs.
"Like hell, I can't. My mentor works at MusicCity Gents," I say proudly.
"Mentor?" Jolie asks.
"That's a male strip club," Genevieve says with confusion.
"JT?" Addy laughs. "Damn, girl. Don't let Landry know."
"I never hooked up with JT, and y'all know it," I point with conviction.
"Well, it ain't a bachelorette party without some fuckable men. Let's go, chauffeur. Get those men up on this bus, and let's put this pole to use!" Addy yells, lifting her glass as all the girls agree, clinking their glasses together.